
It is good to desire a romantic man (woman), but make sure he or she knows God and is ready to walk with you through the times and seasons of life. Not everything will be "breakfast in bed". There are times you'll need to fast and seek God. There are times it may seem the wife is the breadwinner of the home. There are things you'll need to fast so your wife can deliver. Jesus went through the cross before sitting on the throne. There is a "valley of shadows". Only those in Jesus will win.

There are times the man will be dying, it is the wife that will be interceding for him. There are times the wife will be going through stuff but the man will seek God. Do you think everything is shawarma and cold stone? If you laid your marriage on pleasures, how do you want to raise a great home? There are times you'll travel out to enjoy your vacation. There are times the man may lose his job. There are times there'll be no food in the house. There are times no car for riding. This is when Your knowledge of God and your love for who you marry will be tested. WAKE UP.

As good as beauty is, it should not be the primary reason for marrying someone. There are times, beauty will seems unpleasant. It is the convictions you have that will sustain you. Nice curves and Handsomeness will not save you in the day of "trouble". Can he pray for you now even while in a relationship? Does she know how to pray or it is "Our Lord's Prayer"?. Does he fear God or it is "God understands"? Life is spiritual, same is marriage. Wake Up.

I see so many things on social media, and you'll know many people who claim to have "fire" are actually shallow in the Knowledge of God. Social media doesn't make a man. It is God that builds a man. Start your journey with God now. Start praying now. Don't wait till he brings the camera for the proposal. If God answers your prayer on relationship today, do you have what it take to handle it? Are you even prepare for what's ahead. Someone will say "I can't suffer with a man". Things won't be rosy all the time. WAKE Up.

Marriage is a ministry. Your knowledge of God and His Word must be thorough. This is the time to groom ourselves. If your spouse shows up today, will he or she be happy to have met you? I know you celebrate couples on social media. They pay the price for it. The only you know is "I can't suffer", and you're not even afraid of marrying a "Yahoo Child of God". In as much as he goes to church, you believe he's in Jesus. Let's wake up and get it right. God wants to build homes for His Glory. Selah.

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Jesus is Lord

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