A Dangerous Man

Dangerous Man

When a man cannot find his reason for existence, he tends to shift the blame on his wife. God made Adam first for a reason, he found his purpose, the wife was made to complete him. Dear sister, you are not the one to help him discover his purpose in life. It is between him and God. If he hasn't found that, he's dangerous. A purposeless man will see every shining as gold. God purposely made woman with "sense" of responsibility to complete the man's discovery. If his calling is to be a pastor, you have been made to complete him in that aspect. Before you say I do, ask him about discovery of purpose. What is his aim in life? Did he just want to marry and produce children? Dear sister, it will affect you.

Dear brother, the requirements is on you to discover your reason for creation before you seek for a wife. So that when time comes you'd find joy in fulfilling Destiny than blaming your innocent wife. She can't take your role, only you has been design to do it. Failure to discover that will shatter some standing rocks. 

You are first created by God for a reason. You are the intermediary between your family and God. How well do you hear God? Have you submit to Him before you want a wife to submit to you.?

Things goes easy, when the husband has a sense of direction and the wife the sense of responsibility. Discover who you are....your destiny while you are still a youth. God cannot make mistake. He makes things to fall in line according to His will. If you truly desire a spiritual sister, God has kept someone to fit that shoe, but have you truly make Christ your Lord. You cannot fully assume the role of authority over a woman if you haven't allow Jesus to have His way.

You are the priest.

The King of your home.

Submit to God.

The destiny of your family (wife and children) depends on you.

It is not enough to know how to buy ice cream, you must learn to take them to the altar before God.

Discover Destiny. Discover God's plan for your life. Because it is your purpose that gives you true satisfaction not necessarily marriage. Marriage is to complete and double your effort. When a man can discover his purpose, he becomes a vision less man. He'd get angry, sulk in depression and wander like a nobody. Most people run away from singlehood to marriage because they can't enjoy their singleness and that's not true in real sense, it is because they haven't yet found purpose. Purpose gives you joy....it gives you life. You have something to be passionate about. You have things to invest God's resources into. Your wife is there to advice and help you supervise your vision. As a man, first thing on our agenda, is to know why we are here,

Before we choose a woman. Unless you discover purpose, you won't truly find a woman to match your Glory. It works that way. Because God is bringing a woman designed to complete you....if you haven't found that, even when she comes she did be a burden-an uninterested thing to you. You won't value her worth. 

Instead of working on having pink lips and getting astyle with mundane mindset, God is speaking to you today, to get up and discover who you are....that is enough to keep you busy till eternity. Would you rise up? God will not ask you how many pizza you ate while on Earth, but how well are you able to maximize your purpose to bless Humanity. 

(For more on purpose, I suggest you read Dr. Myles Munroe book on that).

You need a changed heart. That truly wants to hear God. Because only a heart that knew the Lord will do all to discover Destiny. God told Jeremiah:

Jeremiah  1:5 Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations.

An encounter with God brings him to a revelation of his destiny. If all you center on his how to get a woman for marriage and you haven't found purpose, please do a rethink. God's investment in you isn't a joke. That investment is meant to feed millions.

Get up!

1. You must be born again

2. Seek to hear God.

3. Call on Him, pray to discover.


- ThelifeinHisPalm

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